Mekor™ corrosion inhibitors
Mekor corrosion inhibitors are patented products that effectively control oxygen-induced corrosion in steam-generating systems. Mekor products scavenge oxygen, protecting the entire system from pitting corrosion, and passivate iron and copper surfaces, forming protective magnetite and cuprous oxide layers that are more resistant to corrosion.
The result of using a Mekor corrosion inhibitor is system-wide corrosion protection. A variety of formulations are available for a wide range of operating conditions.
Mekor corrosion inhibitors can be used in combination with SOLENIS ‘s preboiler treatments to provide effective oxygen-scavenging throughout the entire steam generating system. Likewise, Mekor corrosion inhibitors can be combined with SOLENIS steam/condensate treatments to provide extremely effective afterboiler corrosion protection.
Regardless of the application, the difference over conventional treatments is provided by the Mekor corrosion inhibitor.